
10 Everyday Reasons You May Have Back Pain

Nearly everyone in the world experiences back pain at some point in their lives. While many times back pain is dangerous and caused by serious underlying conditions, many times it is just an indication that you are not doing something right or are just growing old.

You know when it happens because of specific triggers like back pain from a car accident or because of an injury. The anxiety settles in when you are not sure what is causing it. The cause might be simpler than you realize:

You are wearing the wrong footwear:

You might wonder how the back is related to your feet and we understand the query, but remember that your footwear and your back are very good friends.

If your shoes are worn out it means that they do not have great arch support. So the more you walk around in these shoes the more painful it will be for your feet, your legs, your back, and even your neck!

However, worn-out shoes are not the only problem.

If you are habitual of walking around in heels, then too, my friend, your back might take a beating. Instead of wearing heels to your workplace or any other place you need to walk around, invest in a comfy pair of flats, or better yet, even sneakers!

Your posture is not right

One of the most common reasons for back pain is bad posture. And the longer you continue with a wonky posture the more disturbed your back will be.

So try to get a comfortable office chair for your workplace. Other than that, you can also try adding extra back support to the chair that you already have.

Avoid slumping your shoulders or staying in a position where most or all of your back is without support for extended time periods.

You are not exercising enough

Many of us are guilty of this but we need to realize how important exercise is for our body.

When you work out, you engage your back muscles as well so they do not fall into an almost inactive state. Keeping muscles in use keeps them healthy!

Other than that, your exercise also helps you get rid of excessive fat from your body which most certainly hinders your posture and becomes a cause for back pain.

Your form while exercising is off

Exercising is important, but exercising the right way is even more important. Make sure your form is not suffering when you are exercising. Not only will this cause minor back pain but it may also injure your back or even your spinal cord.

Ask your trainer to closely supervise you at least for the first couple of months when you are exercising. Only exercise unsupervised when you are used to exercising the right way.

You smoke

Research has shown that smokers are much more likely to have chronic back pain than non-smokers. One of the reasons suggested for this is the fact that smoking deprives a large portion of your body of oxygen. When your body is receiving less oxygen than it needs to function optimally, it signals the problem often in the form of a backache.

You are too stressed out

Even in our advanced world today we often take the stress and mental health lightly. When we are stressed out, we often end up clenching our body which tenses our muscles. We unknowingly keep our body in this highly tensed state for long time periods.

Keeping your muscles tensed often makes your body ache and it starts with your back, neck, and shoulders.

So even when you are in a state of anxiety and tension, try to take a few minutes where you take deep breaths and relax your muscles. After all, body pain will only hinder your ability to work, which will make you even more tensed!

You are not eating right

Many of you out there are probably tired of hearing that your diet is an issue. Unfortunately, your diet might be one of the biggest reasons why you have back pain. Studies have shown that many people who complain of chronic back pain also struggle with gastrointestinal issues.

After all, your gastrointestinal tract and your back are in close proximity to each other and therefore one’s effects on the other are not very surprising.

Your clothes are too tight or unsupportive

Wearing tight clothes like skinny jeans, very tight undergarments, and bras that do not properly support your back and your chest together are also major contributors to your back pain.

Limit wearing very tight clothes only for special occasions and get your hands on supportive undergarments as soon as possible. Wear comfortable and loose clothing when you are not at work or at a special event. Try to find formal clothing that is not too tight for your workplace as well.

You are not sleeping right

Your sleeping posture is also a massive contributor to your back pain. Make sure you are aware of the posture you are sleeping in at night time. The best way to sleep is on your back.

If you are sleeping correctly, it’s time to check your mattress. When did you buy your current mattress? If it has been far too long, such as more than ten years, maybe it’s time to get a new one. Other than that, you can also flip your mattress to sleep on the firmer side.

Try to sleep on a different bed for one night. If it is more comfortable than your current mattress, it is most certainly the problem.


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I am Jatin, Technical Author & Co-Founder of