3 Tips For Staying Comfortable On A Long Car Ride

For many people, the easiest and most convenient way to travel is by car. However, just because it might be less expensive and potentially less stressful to travel by car rather than by air doesn’t mean that there aren’t real downsides to road tripping.

Apart from the fact that many people get hurt in car accidents almost every minute of every day, sitting in a car for extended periods of time can be excruciating. So to help you enjoy yourself a little more on your next road trip, here are three tips for staying comfortable on a long car ride. 

Alternate Drivers If Possible 

If you’re going solo on your road trip, this piece of advice won’t be very helpful. But if you’re lucky enough to not be the only person available to drive during your trip, the staff of WikiHow.com recommends that you alternate drivers every few hundred miles.

Not only will this give your body and your mind a rest from being behind the wheel, but stopping every few hundred miles will also cause you to stop the car and give everyone a break from sitting and feeling cramped in the car. And because this is the main reason why people get so uncomfortable on long car rides, this break will likely be more than welcome for everyone in your vehicle. 

Wear The Right Shoes 

Wearing the right shoes in the car can help you to be a lot more comfortable than you otherwise would.

When thinking about the right shoes to wear, there are two things to consider: safety and comfort. While you might love the idea of wearing no shoes at all from a comfort standpoint, Jon Mixon, a contributor to LifeHacker.com, shares that, from a safety standpoint, you should try to wear hard-soled shoes to help protect your feet in a worst-case scenario. If you get in a car accident or have to end up walking without your car for some reason, you’ll be glad you wore the right shoes in the car. 

Move Your Body When You Can 

As was mentioned above, many people get so uncomfortable on long car rides because they’re stuck in the same position for hours on end.

To combat this, Consumer Reports recommends that you try to move your body as much as you can, whenever you can. This can be done by getting out of the car, but it can also be done within the car. Doing this like flexing your feet, shrugging your shoulders, and straightening your legs can all help to get some blood moving through your body and make you much more comfortable.

If you find yourself getting very uncomfortable on long car rides, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you improve this situation in the future.


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