Study discovers why the experiences of death of death can happen, but the mystery remains
The experiments near death, more commonly called Nes, are experiences that a person can report a life or death situation. Different phenomena are associated with Nes, including the perception of the exit of his body, feeling a loss of identity, a relaxation, a sense of security, see a brilliant light and more.
Many people who experienced a NDE signal intense phenomena that in some cases can alter the way they look at life after the event. Such experiments are generally triggered when a person faces an extreme situation that can be fatal or is extremely stressful. Of course, each person who indicates an experience of death survives the meeting that triggered it.
We know little about this phenomenon, which has been reported by people around the world. The historical stories of experiences of death, which were often perceived as religious in nature, can be found in writing to return to antiquity. Although we do not know how these events occur, a new study can reveal why they occur.
The new research comes from the University of Liège and the University of Copenhagen, which suggests that the experiences of death are a type of survival mechanism with scalable origins. Scientists point to thanatos, a defense mechanism in which animals claim to be dead, as the potential scalable basis of the experiences of death.
What about complex perceptions and images that a person can experiment with during a NDE? The study asserts that the human development of linguistic skills may have triggered an evolution of “playing” that leads to “rich perceptions” when someone encounters a very threatening situation that triggers a NDN.
Neurologist Daniel Kondziella explained:
Of note, the proposed cerebral mechanisms behind death-feigning are not unlike those that have been suggested to induce near-death experiences, including intrusion of rapid eye movement sleep into wakefulness. This further strengthens the idea that evolutionary mechanisms are an important piece of information needed to develop a complete biological framework for near-death experiences.