Harmful drugs to stay away from

Harmful drugs to stay away from

Drug addiction has been rampant throughout the world. Due to media glorifying drugs, and the “you only live once” lifestyle taking place all around the globe—the world has started to take more drugs for the sake of it. But at the same time, there are drug rehab facilities being created all around the globe from First World countries like the USA, China, Russia, to the Third World countries such as Bangladesh, Pakistan, Kenya etc. Regardless of the country, drug rehabilitation centers are given importance now. Drugs have taken many lives all over the world and that is something that was taken into consideration by the United Nations around the start of the 21st century, when the world started to take drugs in an excessive way. The whole seeds were placed after World War II when the governments started to mass produce alcohol and drugs to keep the people sane during the harsh times of the war, but that has evolved and changed, now people take drugs for all the wrong reasons, to fit in, to try them for the first time, because of peer pressure and mostly, because they are depressed and anxious due to a major setback in their life i.e., losing a loved one, losing their job, losing their house etc. 

But luckily, there are ways to solve drug addiction even if it takes places due to drugs such as cocaine, heroin, LSD, weed (marijuana), alcohol etc. and that is through the treatment via rehab center programs. Get More Info about all the drug rehab treatment programs before going to the rehab facility.

Here are all the drugs to keep yourself away from that can ruin your life and take you on a road that can take your life.

Cocaine. This drug is very dangerous, once you get your hands on it, it has the highest chances of roping a person in and making them a habitual drug addict. What cocaine does is that it goes into the system and tries to play with the existing dopamine inside the brain which makes the body hyperactive. It does not produce dopamine it just makes it jump around which can make the person want to dance, do other harmful things that they might regret later when they come back to their senses.

LSD. This is the drug that people think will make them see God, which is not true. What LSD does is that it makes the body and mind a separate thing. The mind detaches itself from the body and the brain starts to hallucinate to cope with the separation. The mind stays conscious and active by doing this as all the senses are temporary stripped away from the mind. Long-term exposure to LSD can make the person talk to imaginary people and do things that these imaginary things tell them.

Alcohol. The addiction to alcohol can happen easily. Many people try to drown away their sadness and hardships by taking to alcohol. They drink beer and wine excessively because what alcohol does is numb the senses and makes the person feel less and forget about their mental traumas and hardships, but this is temporary and can be quite harmful in the long run.

Marijuana. The drug that is available everywhere, even in the back loan of the houses of people. People even grow marijuana inside their houses and sell them, which is illegal. This drug can make you addicted in just one take, you will start to lose prioritizing the important things in your life and every decision you make will be in order to get marijuana. It will affect your studies and work greatly, so it is better to stay away from even trying it once.