Online Quiz Game

How to Make an Online Quiz Game?

Many people love to go for the quiz in different fields. Some love to play them for better knowledge while some play it for fun only. One can find various options if one loves to play a quiz in this era of technology as there are many platforms present where such quizzes are present. One can also go for a quiz in a specific segment such as sports, science, Geography, maths, and many more. One can play the quiz not only a computer but also a site, smartphone and other digital devices that can be easily connected to the internet.

Remember taking quizzes in old magazines, the kind you’ve had to write down your answers and keep track of scores to count them to get your result eventually?

You may have found yourself losing steam halfway through the quiz if you’re anything like me.

It would have been better if your answers were transmitted automatically by the survey, so you had less work to do. For print media, this cannot be feasible, but when you host the online quiz games, it is entirely possible.

If you are using a quiz building platform you can create an interactive quiz which will do all the work for your quiz takers. All they need to do is answer the quiz questions that you have already set up, and press a button to obtain their immediate results.

Participants don’t have to second-guess with interactive quizzes if they counted their numbers correctly, wait for an email with their final results or wonder how reliable their quiz results are. They can only take the quiz and easily get their results.

Make your own online quiz game

If you’ve ever taken a quiz in Buzzfeed format, chances are you’ve already seen quizzes about personality in motion. Personality quizzes provide participants with a series of questions to answer based on what suits them best, resulting in an automated quiz that tells them all about their personality.

The more information you can add to the results of your personality-driven questionnaire, the more trust you can create with your audience, as they will feel like you truly understand them.

Personality quizzes are the most popular form of an interactive quiz, holding almost 80 per cent of the market share generated for all quizzes? It is a BIG number!

Decide on the heading or title of your game

You’ll need to build an interesting quiz title once you’ve selected a play quiz and win money subject that suits your business niche. You think you need to create a title that is memorable and distinct from all the rest in order to catch the attention of your audience, but it is more important to create a short and sweet title.

Write interactive quiz questions

Each question in a personality quiz is intended to help the quiz-taker find out the type of personality they are. Your quiz questions should help you discover the person who is taking the quiz while learning more about yourself.

Not every question you write on a quiz has to correspond directly with a particular answer. If you write questions, which are obviously all related to the final results, it could take the suspense out of your quiz. You can change things up by adding a few questions which are only for fun while others refer to the results of the quiz.

Decide on the results

Your quiz’s true power is not in questions and answers in your quiz but rather in how well your quiz results are written. While your participant in the quiz will first see the questions and answers, it won’t be what makes a lasting impact on them. The magic is on the results of your quiz.

When someone takes your quiz, each question that they answer will increase their anticipation. Do they have a quiz answer that matches them when they get to the end? That is the whole aim of this move.

Correlate your answers

If you have been wondering how to set up your personality quiz so that it provides the right response to your audience, I’ll cover exactly how to do that in this section. But let’s first review the list of questions that you have already written for your quiz.

You’ll want to build answers for each question that corresponds with at least one of your resulting quiz choices.

Do not forget to make opt-in forms

If you wish to create your quality email list, engaged subscribers via your personality questionnaire, we suggest using the capture form for the email lead.

We also see opt-in email rates on quizzes north of 40-50 per cent because usually the opportunity to obtain personalised recommendations based on quiz results is higher than other downloadable lead magnets.

You could also see a fading icon, along with the “See my performance” icon, which says “Skip this move” right underneath. We suggest turning this choice on so that you only catch leads from people who are genuinely interested in hearing from you via email. This will restrict the number of unsubscribers you receive or cold subscribers.

If you use an email lead capture method inside our network, it will be shown right before anyone receives the results of their quiz. This is typically when the curiosity of your audience is at its highest point, which ensures that it is the perfect place to turn quiz-takers into subscribers.

Give the score

Remember those old quizzes in the magazine where you had to manually add up your points before you could get your quiz results?


Whether you’re making a personality quiz, a scored or an IQ quiz, or a multiple-choice evaluation quiz, you’ll be armed with everything you need to launch your first quiz and start generating more quality leads for your company.

The interactive quiz experience you create with your Interact quiz will help you inform your audience on topics you both care about, build trust with your helpful material, and increase conversions through a follow-up quiz sequence of emails.

I am Jatin, Technical Author & Co-Founder of