Is Coconut Water for Diabetes a Reliable Food Option?

Is Coconut Water for Diabetes a Reliable Food Option?

Diabetics is a chronic health condition that occurs when the sugar level in the blood is increased to more than normal limits. A diabetic patient must always ensure that the blood sugar level is average. So, a diabetic patient cannot eat foods that contain excess sugar. Coconut water for diabetes is a great option.

Coconut water can be consumed by a diabetic patient anytime and anywhere. It has several health benefits, and one of the most important benefits is that it is an excellent drink for restoring electrolyte balance before and after a workout because it contains salts like potassium and sodium. A research study published in the Journal of Medicinal Food says coconut water helps treat diabetics.

How Can Coconut Water be Beneficial?

1. Contains essential nutrients

Coconut water contains many essential minerals, vitamins, and amino acids. A cup of delicious coconut water contains 5.8 mg vitamin C, 0.1 mg riboflavin, 60 mg magnesium, 600mg potassium, 57.6 mg calcium, and 0.3 mg manganese. The sodium and potassium in coconut water help in keeping a check on blood sugar fluctuations.

2. Rich in fibre and significantly fewer carbs

A diabetic patient must strictly check the carbohydrates they take in their diet. Generally, it is prescribed by doctors that diabetes patients should eat food that is high in fibre and contains fewer carbs as carbs contain very high natural sugars and will quickly raise the glucose level in the blood. Hence coconut water that is high in fibre (2.6 grams per 240 grams of coconut water) is a perfect option for diabetes patients.

3. Enhances circulation of blood

Poor blood circulation is one of the problems faced by diabetes patients. It results in discomforts like blurred vision, feet numbness, as well as kidney failure. Here is where drinking coconut water will be useful as it enhances blood circulation by extending the vessels. Coconut water is also helpful in fighting a disorder caused by diabetes known as atherosclerosis.

4. Increases the pace of metabolism

Coconut water is a good option to increase your metabolic rate. As coconut water contains fewer carbs, it gives a sense of fullness when you drink it and helps keep your hunger in check and digestion. The highly tasteful beverage has fewer calories and is high in bioactive enzymes, which help in increasing metabolic rate. If the metabolic rate increases, the fat is easily broken down and aids in digestion. Benefits like these make consuming coconut water for diabetes very beneficial for diabetic patients.

Quick Tip: Apart from coconut water, if you are looking for a list of fruits for diabetics to eat, then the following options are great. Blackberries, strawberries, tomatoes, and oranges are the healthiest fruits for people with diabetes. Also, one can have fruits that contain a lesser glycemic index. Some fruits with a lesser glycemic index include mangoes, dates, pears, apples, oranges, and bananas.

5. Lower level of glycemic index (GI)

Coconut water has a glycemic index or load of 3, which is low. The low glycemic index of coconut water ensures that your blood glucose level does not shoot up. Coconut water also contains very little natural sugar, and the manganese content in the drink aids in improving the person’s insulin sensitivity.

6. Aids in weight loss

Diabetes patients most frequently face the problem of obesity. These patients tend to gain weight quicker, which can cause many problems. Coconut water contains fewer calories and higher bio enzymes which is helpful in digestion. If you drink coconut water daily, it helps in reducing the number of calories ingested. Coconut water has a lesser quantity of sugar than a lot of fruit juices. Having coconut water three to four times a day may help lose weight.

While coconut water has many uses for diabetes patients, one should also consume it in the right quantity. Generally, it is advised to drink 250ml of coconut water twice daily to avail of good benefits. Anything more than that is harmful, especially for people who have diabetes. Also, it is advised to drink coconut water without adding extra sugar.

Another thing to remember for diabetic patients is they should only drink the water of green coconut and not the thick milky substance known as pulp because it contains high levels of sugar and fat. So, it is not suitable for people with diabetes.


Nowadays, type 2 diabetes is mostly found in people above 45. If they eat food that contains high sugar, then it may lead to problems like kidney damage. So, all diabetes patients need to maintain a strict diet plan. They can take food like coconut water which is high in vitamins and minerals and low in sugar.