In 2020, the internet gives marketing managers an incredible amount of opportunity to connect with consumers. It also offers a greater range of challenges than ever with so much marketing going on every second on the internet. Casino marketing managers understand these opportunities and challenges as well, if not better than anyone in their incredibly competitive marketing place. To start the new year and decade off right and give your casino the marketing boost it needs, here are 5 marketing tips that work for casinos in 2020.
Blogging and email marketing
Yes, this is an article about marketing tips for casinos in 2020 and this point could have been in an article about marketing tips for 2019, 2018, 2010, or 2005. Just because blogging and email marketing strategies have been around for the better part of two decades or more does not mean that they are not still just as relevant and effective as they always have been. They are great ways to help boost your site’s search ranking to get more traffic. They also help keep patrons informed and engaged with your brand.
If you already have a great blog and email marketing campaign, good for you. Just make sure you keep it up in 2020. If your blogging and email are just ok, make 2020 the year you make your marketing in these channels more consistent, focused, and that you create content that is more relevant for users. If you are not doing either… stop reading this now and go start both IMMEDIATELY!
Focus on education
Consumers today are savvier than ever when it comes to online marketing. Having grown up with, or at least having spent 20+ years online at this point, people tend to have a good idea when they are being marketed to. This means that many paid forms of advertising have less impact than they did in the past. One way to get your message across without feeling forced is by focusing on educating consumers. By creating content that has value to consumers and that they can learn from, you will get more interaction and, ultimately, more brand loyalty than you ever will form paid ads.
This is especially true in the casino industry. Casino ads are everywhere especially for people who a predisposed to frequent them. By focusing on education, you are not only cutting through a lot of the paid “noise” on the internet but also offering more perceived value. In the casino industry, educating consumers also gives them more confidence and encourages them to play more often and for more money which are two of the biggest goals for casino marketers.
Utilize Big Data
The rise of big data in the last few years means that the “spray and pray” approach to marketing is dead. With all the information that is available on consumers – who they are, what they want, how they play, and more – if you are not using this information to tailor and personalize your marketing, your marketing is going to die too. Especially casinos that offer online gaming, there is a treasure trove of information available about consumers. If you do not have a program or system in place to analyze this data and make more informed marketing decisions, you are missing the boat big time.
Lucian Marinescu from Online Casino Gems says, “Casino data allows casinos to do so much more with their marketing. When they know how a player plays it allows you to craft customized offers and rewards that are more enticing, create a better customer experience that will keep them playing longer and coming back more often, and even create new games that you know people will be into even before you put them out.”
Create global content
The global gambling market generates 12-figure revenues worldwide every year and that growth is only expected to continue over the course of the next few years. A major reason for this is the improved ease of access to online gambling throughout the world. Players from Asian, Europe, the Americas, and Australia are all experiencing many more opportunities to gamble online and casinos that take advantage of this global audience are seeing huge growth.
For marketers who want to cash in on this trend, it is important that all marketing content is either global in nature and appeals to a wide range of people around the globe or, that you have multiple versions of all your marketing that are designed to target different countries and regions. If you are too one country or continent centric, you will be missing out on huge opportunities.
The rise of video
As mentioned above, the “old” ways of online marketing, through blogging and email, are still very relevant. However, a newer online media is quickly catching up, and the stats back it up. Marketing with relevant video content is becoming more and more important to marketers in every industry. Especially with the ever-growing importance of social media, all marketers must be taking advantage of videos as often as they can.
Using videos in your marketing provides a wide range of benefits that other media do not. Using video on your site, social media, or in a campaign boosts consumer engagement, increases conversion rates, helps your search engine rank, and are more likely to be shared than any other form of media. The marketing term “pivot to video” has become a cliché but that is for a good reason. It is because it helps your brand and the marketing behind it.
At the dawn of a new decade, marketing has changed in many ways, but some of the old standbys’ have stayed the same. The key in 2020 to maximize your marketing, especially in the incredibly competitive world of casinos, is to know what works best and implement a strategy that takes advantage of as many of these forms as possible. When you do this, as well as cater to a global market and constantly use data to improve and customize your marketing, you will find that your results and the ROI on your marketing dollars increase tremendously.