4 Common Types of Body Aches: Causes & Remedies

4 Common Types of Body Aches: Causes & Remedies

The human body is an equally fascinating and complex system. While nature has bestowed it with the immense potential to heal itself, there is no denying that it changes with age. Further, certain lifestyles and habits also affect the body in several ways. Body aches are a product of these lifestyle and age-related complications coupled with unfortunate mishaps like accidents or certain genetic conditions.

Although they are not entirely unavoidable, there is much you can do in your capacity to better protect yourself against them. But, to do that, it is vital to understand their probable triggers. You must know the causes of upper back pain or headaches to distinguish between opting for home remedies and seeking professional help in treating them. So, listed below are some common types of body aches, their causes and remedies:


In today’s fast-paced world ridden with stress, anxiety, and an unhealthy lifestyle, headaches have transgressed from being a rare, one-time phenomenon to everyday things. In addition to that, poor air quality and inhaling harmful pollutants only add to the problem. It is not surprising to know that perhaps the most common type of body ache is headaches, as you may end up inviting headaches from a range of sources. 

From being exposed to the phone/laptop screen for unending hours to acute dehydration and direct exposure to the sun, headaches are triggered and only known to intensify with time. A severe cold can cause inflammation in your nasal cavities and give rise to sinusitis. Besides, lifestyle stress and improper sleeping posture cause the bands around your neck to stiffen, resulting in tension headaches. Meanwhile, migraines are a form of throbbing headache that affects a particular part of the head while the pain gets amplified with every passing minute! They are mainly caused due to prolonged exposure to white light and noise, along with irregular sleeping patterns. 

Depending on the frequency of the headache, it is advisable to consult your doctor first. And while you do that, you can adopt some common household remedies to bring momentary relief. Drinking sufficient amounts of water, reducing screen time, intaking a healthy and nutritious diet, getting ample sleep and ensuring low-stress levels are some of the things you can get started with. Inhalation of steam with eucalyptus oil helps in reducing cold-related headaches. Besides, winter cherries (ashwagandha) are known to bring relief against migraines. Neck exercises and a suitable pillow, along with a good sleeping posture, can also tremendously reduce tension headaches.

Neck Pain

Stiffness and/or inflammation in the area around the neck can cause neck pains. Most often, this type of pain is triggered by bad sitting and sleeping posture. Unattended and lack of timely care after an accident, fall, or exercise can also worsen your neck pain. Hence it is vital to pay heed to the onset of neck pain and provide it with the necessary attention it needs. Failure to do so can cause severe conditions like meningitis.

To relieve yourself of neck pains at home, you can start by getting a massage in the affected area, as it will allow the bands to loosen up. Placing ice packs or a hot water bag also helps in alleviating the pain. Besides, being mindful of your posture, especially while sitting, can make a considerable difference. Rather than looking down or up on things for a prolonged time, you can bring the object to your eye level. And choosing the right pillow for you, along with having a good sleeping posture, can reduce the risk of neck pain by leaps. You can also use a neck collar along with muscle relaxants to bring immediate relief. Also, it is recommended that you incorporate neck stretches as part of your exercise routine to ensure that the muscles have some movement.

Foot Pain

Foot pain is widespread across all age groups as this part of the body is more vulnerable to injuries. You can attract foot pain by wearing the wrong kind of footwear. Ligament tear or inflammation from hasty or incorrect exercises while playing sports or tripping can also cause excruciating pain in your foot. On the other hand, rapid weight fluctuations do take a toll on your foot. It can also cause a condition called plantar fasciitis, mainly characterised by severe pain and pressure in the heels of your feet.

In order to avoid foot pain, you can start by identifying the proper footwear for your feet. Exercising under trained guidance can save you from attracting foot injuries. Besides, you can also opt for foot reflexology to rid you off of tensions and stiffness in your feet. In case of a tear, it is best to see your doctor and consult with a physiotherapist. And finally, if you do experience any foot injury, it is ideal to seek professional medical advice before your pain worsens.

Back Pain

Another common type of body pain is back pain. While the lower back is more susceptible to aches, the causes of upper back pain can range from persistent poor posture to injuries. Awkward movements while lifting objects, inconsistency in weight and muscle spasms are some of the other causes of back pain.

Having a good posture is the key to minimising back pain. Besides, massage therapy also brings relief to an aching back. Lifting objects using the right amount of pressure and technique can also help you negate the risk of aches. Meanwhile, if you’ve had an unattended back injury and the pain persists, it is best to see a doctor for avoiding further damage to your back.

Body aches are inevitable, but you can undoubtedly curb their risks by being mindful of your body. Good diet, adequate sleep, regular guided exercise or stretches, correct body posture and timely treatment for minor injuries can save you a lot of time and money.