Is SARMs a Steroid? What Exactly Is SARMs?

Is SARMs a Steroid? What Exactly Is SARMs?

Recent reports have revealed that somewhere between 3 and 4 million Americans use anabolic steroids on a regular basis. Even though it’s clear that steroids are not good for you, some people are willing to take risks while using them to get the results they want in the gym.

If you want to see results without using steroids, you might want to consider giving SARMs a try. SARMs are similar to steroids. But the answer to the question, “Is SARMs a steroid?”, is a resounding “no!”

So, what is SARMs? How do SARMs work? And what are some of the SARMs benefits that you should know about?

We’ve created a SARMs guide that will provide you with the ins and outs of SARMs. We’ve also sprinkled in some SARMs tips that will help you take advantage of SARMs if you decide to use them.

Here is everything you need to know about SARMs.

What Is SARMs?

Before we get into answering the question, “Is SARMs a steroid?”, and talking at length about SARMs, you need to know what SARMs actually are. Even though SARMs have been around for a long time, not everyone is familiar with them.

SARMs is short for Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators. SARMs were first founded back in the 1990s as a research drug that could provide many of the same benefits as anabolic steroids.

SARMs operate a little bit differently than anabolic steroids do, though. While anabolic steroids tend to work on all the tissues throughout the body at once, SARMs are a lot more targeted than anabolic steroids.

As a result, SARMs can be used to make specific muscles and tissues in the body stronger than they would be otherwise. It’s a big part of the reason why they’ve become so popular, especially in weightlifting circles.

How Do SARMs Work?

Now that you have a slightly better idea of what SARMs are, let’s dive headfirst into how they work. It’ll help to illustrate why so many people have started to use SARMs over anabolic steroids and other types of bodybuilding supplements.

When you take SARMs, they will bind to the androgen receptors in very specific tissues and muscles within your body. In doing so, they’ll provide these tissues and muscles with the ability to heal quicker and grow stronger.

SARMs make it possible for people who work out to see results faster than they would under normal circumstances. They’re able to reach their fitness goals quickly thanks to SARMs.

Those outside of the fitness world could also potentially benefit from using SARMs. SARMs can, for example, help those who have certain age-related issues that cause their muscles and bones to break down on them. SARMs can be used to make these muscles and bones strong again in no time at all.

What Are Some of the Most Common Types of SARMs?

If you’re interested in possibly using SARMs, you should know that there are lots of different types of them. It’s going to be up to you to decide which types of SARMs might work best for you based on how you plan to use them.

Here are some of the most common types of SARMs that people use:

Each of these types of SARMs will do something different for you when you put them into your body. It would be worth researching each of them so that you’re able to find out which ones would be your best options depending on your needs.

Is SARMs a Steroid?

One of the top things that people worry about when it comes to SARMs is whether or not they’re considered steroids. “Is SARMs a steroid?” is a question that people will ask early and often when they’re considering giving SARMs a try.

As we alluded to earlier, you’ll be happy to hear that SARMs are not steroids. SARMs and anabolic steroids actually work in two very different ways.

When you use anabolic steroids, they will bind to the androgen receptors found in lots of different tissues scattered all throughout your body. But when you use SARMs, they’ll only bind to the androgen receptors found in some of the tissues in your body.

Additionally, SARMs don’t have as many androgenic properties as anabolic steroids do. It puts them in a completely different category than anabolic steroids.

With all of this in mind, you won’t need to be concerned about being labeled a steroid user if you use SARMs. You also won’t have to be concerned about dealing with many of the side effects that come along with using anabolic steroids when you use SARMs.

What Are the SARMs Benefits?

There is a reason why so many people have started using SARMs. They appreciate the SARMs benefits that they get to enjoy when they utilize them.

You should be aware of these SARMs benefits when you’re thinking about putting them to the test. Here are several benefits that will accompany SARMs:

You shouldn’t have to take SARMs for too long to reap the rewards of using them, either. Most people will start to see results after taking SARMs within just a few weeks, if not sooner.

Are There Any SARMs Side Effects?

For the most part, people who use SARMs regularly are happy with the results that they get from them. But it’s worth noting that there are some side effects that you might suffer from if you use SARMs.

Some of the side effects that are most often associated with SARMs are:

  • Muscle soreness
  • Mood swings
  • Acne
  • Reduced testicular size
  • Increased risk for heart attack and stroke

Fortunately, the majority of those who use SARMs won’t have to worry about these side effects rearing their ugly heads. But they should be on your radar at all times if you’re a SARMs user.

You should also seek to lower the chances of you having to deal with any of these side effects by taking SARMs in the right way. You should always start with the lowest possible dosage of SARMs and slowly work your way up.

You should also only use SARMs for short periods of time. In some cases, you should only utilize certain SARMs for several weeks before going back off them. You should look up how long you’re supposed to take specific SARMs prior to putting them into your body.

How Do You Use SARMs?

If you haven’t ever gotten around to using SARMs before, you might be a little bit nervous about doing it. But generally speaking, it’s very easy to use SARMs once you’re able to get your hands on a bottle.

Here are the steps you’ll want to take when using SARMs:

  • Start by choosing the right SARMs based on your needs and finding somewhere to buy a bottle
  • Find out the lowest dosage of SARMs that you can take at the start
  • Look for the best time to take SARMs
  • Consume the right amount of SARMs at the appropriate time
  • Work out as you would normally with SARMs in your system
  • Sit back and watch the results that SARMs can provide

It’s difficult to make a mistake when you’re using SARMs. But you should be wary about using too many SARMs at once. You should also steer clear of taking SARMs at the wrong times (it’s almost never a good idea to take them right before or during a workout!).

As long as you use SARMs properly, you should start to see the results you’re chasing within just a week or two.

Where Can You Obtain SARMs?

You aren’t necessarily going to be able to just walk into any pharmacy that you want and pick up a bottle of SARMs. More often than not, you’ll need to buy a bottle online and have it shipped directly to your home.

If you take this approach, it’ll be important for you to buy SARMs from the right place. It can be a challenge trying to figure out where to buy SARMs for the first time. But you should be able to find a good place to purchase SARMs from eventually.

The key is to look for experienced sellers of SARMs products. They should have a long history in the fitness industry and a strong reputation for selling high-quality SARMs.

The company that you buy SARMs from should also have affordable prices on their products and a fast shipping policy. All of this will enable you to get your hands on a great bottle of SARMs in no time at all.

How Much Do SARMs Cost?

After hearing about all the SARMs benefits, you might be under the impression that buying SARMs will cost you an arm and a leg. But guess what? This couldn’t be further from the truth!

You will need to be prepared to invest some money into buying SARMs. But you aren’t going to have to spend a small fortune on them. In most cases, you can pick up a bottle of SARMs for well under $100.

That being said, all of the companies that sell SARMs sell them for slightly different prices. So you might be able to get yourself a great deal by shopping around for SARMs and purchasing them from one company over all the rest.

You don’t want to just buy the cheapest SARMs you can find since you might not get high-quality SARMs when you do this. But you also shouldn’t just settle for the first SARMs you can find and pay more than you should have to for them.

Are SARMs Safe?

We already touched on some of the potential side effects that you could face when using SARMs. This might lead you to believe that SARMs are not safe.

But this isn’t necessarily true! It just means that SARMs are like a lot of other supplements in that they could cause you harm if you don’t use them correctly.

Prior to purchasing SARMs and using them, you should always do your own research on them. You should find out what specific SARMs are going to do for you and read up on what health complications could come along with using them.

You should also make sure that you know precisely how to take SARMs when you start using them. So many people end up dealing with the side effects of SARMs simply because they take dosages that are too high or use SARMs more often than they’re supposed to.

By doing your homework on SARMs, you can put yourself in a position where they should be safe to use. You can also maximize the results that you’re able to get while using SARMs when you keep safety in mind while you’re putting them into your body.

See If SARMs Can Help You in the Gym

At this point, you know what SARMs are. You also know the answer to the question, “Is SARMs a steroid?”, (it’s “NO!” just in case you’ve already forgotten!).

The only thing left to learn is what it’s actually like to use SARMs. You can find out for yourself by picking up a bottle and seeing how well it works for you. It might be just what you need when it comes to taking your gym workouts to the next level.

Secure some more useful health and fitness advice by reading through our other blog articles.